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Good for you.

Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system. They help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart.. Some experts recommend elderberry syrup to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms. But that’s not all...check out our Benefits page for more info!

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Berryessa Blends has so many benefits.

It’s hard to name them all, but here are a few...

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Antioxidants &


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Immune System

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eases symptoms

of allergies

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helps sinus, back,

leg & nerve pain

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energy level

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weight loss


restful sleep

helps decrease



hair growth

infused with anti-

aging properties

keeps away

distressed skin

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lessens stress

& anxiety

helps protect

the heart

prevents & eases

cold symptoms

prevents & eases

flu symptoms

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helps treat

cold sores

high in vitamin c

& dietary fiber



low in


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customer reviews

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“I’m so glad I ordered some before the holidays! It’s been such a big help with coughs and sniffles. My toddlers love it too!”

“I have been outta syrup for awhile now and I am feeling it. Can I place an order for a jar?”

“LOVING your syrup!!! My husband took a dose that first night and another the next morning then went out to mow our landlord’s field, which always messes him up big time (swollen eyes, itchy, congested, etc) He came in after & said “wow, I don’t feel nearly as bad as I normally would! I think that stuff is already helping!” Yay!!!”

“I just had the flu and it only lasted 2-3 days and the symptoms were way less intense than they have been in the past. I took Berryessa Blends twice a day!”

“I like yours the best. Better than the other 2 that I tried from other people. I could feel yours working more if that makes sense lol. Customer for life now. Thank you for what you do. May God bless you and your family.”

“My family has been taking Berryessa Blends for quite some time now. It’s helped us with allergies, immunity and helped me with morning sickness. Her stuff is too legit to quit!”

“Thank you. My son loves this stuff and calls it our ‘Family Medicine’ He makes sure to remind us if we forget to take it”

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customer reviews

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“I don’t know where I’d be without the elderberry syrup. It’s the best ever!”

“I was hesitant at first because my OB didn’t have much of a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ on it, but I swear your stuff is amazing. I am 26 weeks pregnant and it helps with heart burn, my allergies, energy levels, helped with nausea in my first trimester and just keeping me healthy. Thank you!”

“OMG I just love your elderberry! Girl I haven’t had a period in 8 years and your stuff brought my body to normal. I’m sure of it! It’s the only thing I’ve changed for my routine”

“So we started the Elderberry syrup yesterday and Peyton has already pooped and then went once this morning. I cut out the Miralax (she’s been on since 1 yr old) so I’m sure it’s doing the trick.”

“I could totally tell today after our walk, all the city workers were mowing around the path and usually my eyes and throat would be itching like crazy, but today we were able to walk right by in our elderberry protected bubble”

“I just wanted to THANK YOU! My daughter had had an allergy cough since she was born.Nothing has EVER helped it. She started the syrup and within 2 days the cough was minimal! So amazing!”

“My kids weren’t about it the first time they tried it and now each time they see the jar they get excited and ask for more.”

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customer reviews

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“I can’t get over how yummy it is!”

“I’ve never been one to take supplements and certainly not with consistency. After having our second baby, my allergies just got worse than ever and the pandemic made me want to load up on all things immune boosting. I, like so many of us, went to the store and bought some elderberry gummies. They were okay but not good enough to make me taken them consistently. Insert Berryessa Blends. Game changer. It’s helped my allergies, my grandpa takes it daily to help boost his immune system, and my son loves it too!! My allergies are better, and it makes a huge difference for our son. We love Berryessa Blends. I promise you will too!!!”

“As a new family of 4, with a baby and 4 year old, keeping school germs out of our house has been difficult up until now! We love Berryessa Blends, and my 4 year old loves her daily ‘juice’! So glad we found this tasty daily remedy to strengthen our immune systems and teach routine to our girls!”

“I’m loving the elderberry syrup!!! It is helping my oldest with his allergies. By this time every year he usually has hives from head to toe and eyes itch and nose running. Thanks to the elderberry his allergies are SO under control!! No hives, barely sneezing and itchy eyes. Thank you so much!!!”

“This is the only elderberry that my kids love the taste and will use! We had been sick for over a week, unable to break the high fever and cough and 24 hours using Berryessa Blends, my kids woke up fever free and on the mend!”

“We fell off and I felt terrible and backed up as well and I restocked and took it regularly again and I felt soo good and I started being regular again in the restroom…it helps so much.”

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customer reviews

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“Thank you! I’ve stopped taking my allergy medicine because of your wonderful syrup!”

“So I had fallen off of taking my Berryessa Blends for a minute. I was making very bad food choices. My energy was super super low, I was feeling so drained and just unfocused regarding work and my every day tasks as a mom. I’ve been taking my blends every day for almost 3 weeks and I shit you not, I feel so much better, honestly. I do feel more energized, less appetite for junk food and I just feel more balanced and alive. Magic juice I tell ya, may the power be with you!”

“The syrup has done so much for me already! Cured my constipation/bloating issues, increased my energy, etc. but yes I’m hoping it’ll start helping these crazy allergies soon too.”

“It’s so yummy! I was worried it wouldn’t taste good – you know – because its healthy. But it’s freaking delicious! I kinda wanted more just cause it tastes so damn good.”

“Spreading the word: you have made something people can’t deny is not only good for you but tastes good! (So I’ve heard lol, I still can’t taste or smell) but my body has changed so much. I have a lot of different health issues that are either gone or just better. (Tummy stuff) I can’t wait to see what else it can do! You my friend are a rock star!!!”

“I want to order a jar for my mom for Mother’s Day.I’m already noticing a difference! Allergies are already so much better and it’s only day 3!!”

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customer reviews

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“I just wanted to say thank you for spending time to make this wonderful concoction. I’ll try and make a long story short: I was diagnosed with Leukemia back in September and was starting to get a cold in November. The doctor said I couldn’t take any sort of cold medicine because they’ll interact with my chemo meds. So I drank Berryessa Blends and I shit you not, two days later, I felt fine. A full cold never hit. Well, this week, it happened again, where my throat started to hurt and just a couple of days of your magic juice and I woke up feeling almost back to normal. I’ve been able to avoid a cold and dealing with anything without medication thanks to you. Now, I just need to take it every day and stay healthy. Thanks!”

“Honest review: I give my daughters this Berryessa Blends Elderberry Syrup every single morning with no with no fuss, no hassle! We absolutely love it. I recommend it to everyone. I have 1000% noticed a difference; it significantly reduces the amount of days my daughters get sick. Instead of being sick for a whole week, now they’re only sick for about 3 days, if that! We’ve been taking it for awhile now and I swear by this stuff!”

“A friend, who is a Research Scientist, suggested for me to take elderberry syrup because I’m 7 months post-Covid with major smell issues and he suggested it to help my immune system.”

“I love Berryessa Blends. I drink it every day for my health. The taste is amazing and I’m definitely addicted in a good way. If you haven’t tried it, I suggest you do. You won’t be sorry!”

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customer reviews

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“We all got sick. You syrup def helped me recover!”

“I’m loving the elderberry syrup!!! It is helping my oldest with his allergies. By this time every year he usually has hives from head to toe and eyes itch and nose is running. Thanks to the elderberry his allergies are SO under control! No hives, barely sneezing and itchy eyes.”

“When I was sick and bought my jar from you a couple weeks ago, I felt so much better after a full 4 doses. I mean I still felt like garbage (from COVID) but so much better than before I bought it. I have had COVID twice and influenza plus whatever that illness was a couple weeks ago. With my job putting me at increased risk of catching stuff, I’m now back to taking my elderberry syrup twice a day”

“Omgoodness! We have been dealing with high fevers and coughs, 48 hours after giving this to my whole family, we are on the mend! No fevers and cough is way better. I just feel like it’s too much of a coincidence that 48 hours after we all got sick, we are way better and on the mend so quickly.I fully believe it was this amazing stuff!”

“Being a family of 8, with 6 kiddos in school, plenty of germs are coming into our home. We have religiously taken our daily dose of Berryessa Blends for almost three years and haven’t been sick at all!! I swear by it! Let me also add, that since my son and I have been taking Berryessa Blends…we haven’t had to take any allergy meds, which was something we had to take daily. We love our purple juice!”

“You got the magic juice girl”

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customer reviews

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“We already tried it and love it! I had a different homemade one not too long ago and it was way too sweet/syrupy tasting for me. Yours is way better: less sugary, and more fresh tasting.”

“I have had the best allergy season, thanks to your elderberry syrup. I have been taking since March 20, 2020. I have not taken any medicine at all. I’m so thankful for my daughter Erin for taking good care of us.”

“Doing great. Thank you, my allergies usually last a few months. I haven’t had to take an allergy pill since mid May. Also I have horrible stomach issues and it has been incredible to go through a whole day with no issues, sometimes weeks. My body definitely was needing your juice.”

“I forgot to take my shot yesterday and immediately I was sneezing with itchy eyes. Finally got home, took a shot and a shower and 2 hrs later no more bad allergies! I’m ordering more”

“I work graves and honestly I have noticed a difference where I don’t need as much sleep during the day before going back into work, I’ll Venmo you to reserve another jar because it’s going quick between the hubbs and I lol”

“When I have bought syrup in the past – my kids gag on it and complain about taking it. They just had the one your make and said it was really good and just asked for more!”

“I’ve been taking this homemade elderberry syrup for 4 days now, twice a day. I can definitely feel a difference with my allergies and just over all feel good! Taste really good and I have a feeling I’ll be ordering more in the near future.”

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customer reviews

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“Honestly the best review I can is just how many times we continue to buy jars of this magical juice. Honestly thought, I swear by it.I recommend it to everyone that mentions sickness plaguing their house, or allergies. I started taking it while I was pregnant to help boost my immune system and never looked back. Our whole family loves it and we will continue to be long time customers because I haven’t been able to find anything as effective at fighting colds and keeping us healthy!”

“Last night I was feeling like shit. Took some of the elderberry and felt better almost instantly!”

“The absolute best thing I could ever give my babies! It’s helped keep their little bodies healthy with flu season approaching and during this weird time we’re in, I don’t want to risk anything. I just give them a teaspoon a day of Berryessa Blends Elderberry Syrup and they LOVE it! Stock up now for winter!”

“We love it! I have way more energy and my allergies haven’t been nearly as bad this year. May is always the worst month but it hasn’t been bad at all. I love the taste too!”

“ENERGY! I can’t believe how much energy I have. And it’s not the kind that spikes mid/late morning and then I’m crashing the rest of the day. I have an overall feeling of energy all day. Love it!”

“I’ve been taking anti depressants for years now. Since taking this syrup, my mood seems more stable and positive.”

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Berryessa Blends Elderberry is made with Organic, All Natural ingredients.

Composition with Fresh Ginger, Honey and Lemon on Color Background

Organic Elderberries



Organic Cinnamon

Honey Dripping from Honey Spoon



Nor Cal

Raw Honey

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How to get your hands on a jar of Berryessa Blends Elderberry Syrup:

ice chest
delivery courier carrying box

Easy Porch Pick Up

We Ship

Located off North Orchard in Vacaville.

We ship in boxes of

2 jars for $42 anywhere in the USA.

DM or Email us to place your order. Click below:

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Pick up at one of our Participating Retail Stores:

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Nutrishop Vacaville

*We recommend calling ahead to make sure they have Berryessa Blends in stock.

*Retailers have the right to set their own prices.

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About Us

In January 2020, my daughter had Pneumonia and Influenza A.

My sister gifted me a jar of Elderberry Syrup, she purchased from a local seller for $25. I gave it to my daughter morning and evening and within a few days, the Pneumonia was gone and she was feeling so much better.

My New Goal: learn more about Elderberry Syrup, find all the best ingredients, perfect the recipe and lower the cost of this magical syrup so I can share it with the world (or at least my family).

Hard work paid off and I believe I have accomplished my goal!

Once I started making it and people started talking, everyone wanted to get their hands on a jar. I’ve now been making and selling Berryessa Blends Elderberry Syrup since April of 2020 and have sold over 12,000 jars of the good stuff…all while keeping my product under $20/jar since day one.

Please email us with any questions or to place your order.

Click here: BerryessaBlends@gmail.com